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Credit When It's Due (CWID)




11.25.20 - New funding from ECMC (temp)

CHERP recieved new funding from ECMC and is excited to move forward with this project (temp).


Between 2012 and 2016, CHERP researchers co-led the research for the Credit When It’s Due (CWID) Initiative, a 16-state effort that involved the development and implementation of reverse credit transfer policies. The research was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and co-led by Dr. Debra Bragg. The research included a three-phase research agenda that included a Baseline Study, Policy Implementation Study, and Impact Study. The final CWID report was released in 2017, and several publications have emerged from this work that are listed below.

Research Team

Dr. Debra Bragg

Dr. Jason Taylor

Dr. Sheena Kauppila

Dr. Edén Cortes-Lopez

Dr. Maria Solder

Cari Bishop

Elizabeth Mesa

Heather McCambly


Last Updated: 8/23/21