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Designing the Promise: The Salt Lake Community
College Promise Program

Author(s): Jason L. Taylor, Chuck W. Lepper

Publisher: Community College Journal of Research and Practice

Year: 2018

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The price of college is increasingly out of reach for many Americans. Although community colleges are affordable compared to other institutional sectors, many community college students have unmet need. Free college and promise programs are emerging around the country as a solution to make college more affordable. This article examines the Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) Promise program that launched in fall 2016. The article describes the purpose of the program and the critical
role of student affairs in the design and implementation of SLCC Promise. The article ends with a descriptive analysis of the outcomes of the first year of implementation of SLCC Promise, and it identifies ways that student affairs and student services can support fair and equitable free college programs.

Last Updated: 8/23/21