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Reverse Credit Transfer Guiding Principles

Author(s): Jason L. Taylor

Publisher: Community College Research Initiatives (CCRI)

Year: 2017


Reverse credit transfer is defined as, “the transfer of credit from a 4-year to a 2-year institution for the purpose of conferring transfer students an associate’s degree” (Taylor, 2016, p. 2). In recent years, reverse credit transfer programs and policies have flourished, and research suggests that these programs exist in nearly all states (Garcia, 2015). Between 2012 and 2016, several foundations partnered to support 16 states to develop and implement reverse credit transfer programs as part of the Credit When It’s Due (CWID) initiative, and these efforts have resulted in over 15,000 new associate’s degrees to students during the CWID grant period.

Last Updated: 8/23/21