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Dual Enrollment


CHERP researchers studied dual and concurrent enrollment policies and practices (also known as dual credit) to assess how these policies help students prepare for college, transition to college, and succeed in college. We have partnered with states and institutions in Illinois, Indiana, and Arkansas and we have used national datasets to understand these policies and how they influence students equitable access to postsecondary education.

Ivy Tech Community College (Indiana) Dual Credit Evalutation

CHERP partnered with the Ivy Tech Community College (ITCC) system to conduct a mixed-methods evaluation of ITCC's dual credit program in 2018-2020. The purpose of the project was to examine how dual credit helps students prepare and how it influences their college aspirations (qualitative), and examine how dual credit influences students college enrollment (quantitative). Reports and findings are forthcoming.  This project was funded by ITCC.

A Review of Empirical Studies on Dual Enrollment: Assessing Educational Outcomes

CHERP researchers co-authored (An & Taylor, 2019) a comprehensive literature review on dual enrollment in the 2019 volume of Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research.

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Exploring the Outcomes of Standards-Based Concurrent Enrollment and Advanced Placement in Arkansas

CHERP partnered with the Arkansas Department of Education and Arkansas Department of Higher Education to examine how participation in standards-based concurrent enrollment and Advanced Placement influenced students’ likelihood of enrolling in college.  This research was published in a 2018 volume of Education Policy Analysis Archives. This research was funded by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships.


Improving IPEDS Data Collection on High School Students Enrolled in College Courses

CHERP researchers collaborated with colleagues at the University of Iowa (Taylor & An, 2017) to examine how dual enrollment data are measured and collected in the federal postsecondary data collection system, the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The paper was commissioned by the National Postsecondary Education Collaborative (NPEC) and the paper is available on the NPEC/NCES website.


Last Updated: 5/8/23