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This strand of research investigates how educational policies and environments influence Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) students’ access to and success in college. My past projects have examined issues of campus climate in community colleges for LGBTQ+ students and the digital campus climate for LGBTQ+ community college students.

Community Colleges and LGBTQ+ Students and Policies

CHERP researchers and collaborators have examined the campus climate and the impact of campus climate for LGBTQ+ community college students. These studies point to the ways in which community colleges environments, climates, and policies can facilitate or impede LGBTQ+ students learning and success.

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Rethinking LGBTQIA Students and Collegiate Contexts: Identity, Policies, and Campus Climate

Rethinking LGBTQIA Students and Collegiate Contexts situates and problematizes identity interaction, campus life, student experiences, and the effectiveness of services, programs, and policies affecting LGBTQIA college students at both two- and four-year institutions. This volume draws from intersectional and critical perspectives to explore the complex ways in which LGBTQIA identities are shaped, discussed, and researched in higher education spaces. Chapters provide student affairs and higher education scholars with theory and practice perspectives on sociopolitical and historical contexts, student learning and development, support services, and explore how higher education reflects society’s pervasive stereotypes and lack of awareness of LGBTQIA students’ identity development and needs.

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Last Updated: 5/8/23